Projects (v4)
Ground-up rewrite using Vite, CSS, React Router, Markdown, Firebase hosting, and Hashnode. Oh and of course once again fully embracing a dark theme.
Open source, experimental web programming language asking incredibly important questions such as, "What if HTML, CSS, and JavaScript didn't exist?" and "How do *I* want to define web content?" and "Can you create a language that doesn't require the shift key?"
Daylight Graph
Pet project to get me through the darkness of winter by providing a visual reference for how much daylight we've accrued (or lost) since the last solstice. Uses the NOAA Solar calculator to convert a latitude/longitude (obtained via the HTML5 browser API) into a set of historical sunrise/sunset times.
Task List App
Everyone has one. Here's mine. It's built on React and uses Atlassian's React Beautiful DnD for drag and drop functionality. It also uses React Substate for consolidated state management and action dispatch. It's fully offline and persists all of its data in local storage. (v3)
Ground-up rewrite using Gatsby, Sass, Markdown, and Firebase hosting. This marks the advent of the new minimalistic "H" logo.
React Substate
Blazing-fast, centralized state management with auto-guaranteed, immutable state changes. Written using React Hooks and Immer. Written out of spite because of my discontent with Redux and RTK.
Home Assistant Graphite UI
React-based next-gen user interface for Home Assistant that strives for simplicity over all else. Deployable as a Docker container and built using the IBM Carbon Design System.
Lava Llama
Mobile game my friend and I released for iOS and Android. Built in Java and using libGDX with the majority of the game engine being 100% custom. You play as a llama trying to navigate increasingly difficult zones to escape an ever-encroaching lake of lava. I also composed most of the music and SFX, and did a small portion of the art. We also created an online map editor with real-time collaborative editing via websockets and hot-reloading of zones/assets in locally-running dev environments. (v2)
Complete back-end rewrite using a custom-developed MVC framework called LCA (Layout-Controller-Action). Self-hosted on a custom-built web server written in Java called "Dream" whose goal was to perform as well as Lighttpd. (v1)
Initial version of the site written in pure HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. PHP back-end. MySQL database. Self-hosted Lighttpd web server.